Hiring & Retention

Navigating the hiring process: How to spot the right Ruby On Rails developer

Navigating the hiring process is never an easy job. You need to know where to look, what to write, and how to spot the right Ruby On Rails developer. We are here to help.

August 3, 2023

8 minutes

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Navigating the hiring process: How to spot the right Ruby On Rails developer

A man and a woman sitting at a desk having a job interview.

If you want to hire a Ruby on Rails developer, you need to know the hiring process. You need to be prepared. This article will serve as a guide in your way of finding the perfect employee. We will help you better understand why you need to hire a RoR developer.

Once you understand that, we will provide practical tips on where to find such a developer. We will cover both the seeking and the recruitment process. Let’s learn how to spot the right Ruby on Rails developer. 

Interesting facts about Ruby on Rails

Before we dive into the topic, here are a few interesting facts that you should know about this framework. 

  • Ruby on Rails was first released in August 2004 by Danish programmer David Heinemeier Hansson.
  • There are currently 3,782,563 websites that use Ruby on Rails. 
  • There are currently 613,426 total live websites that use RoR.
  • It is ranked 18th as the most popular web framework and technologies in the 2023 survey done by Stack Overflow.
  • Ruby on Rails developers in the USA has one of the highest salaries.
  • Ruby programming language is the 4th most paying technology in 2023, according to Stack Overflow

Now that you got the interesting facts about this framework, let’s check the reasons why you should hire an RoR developer. 

Why should you hire a Ruby on Rails developer? 

If you need a robust, scalable, and fast app, hire a Ruby on Rails developer. You can use this framework to build any kind of web platform. It is also a good choice for developing various tasks for a web app. Ruby on Rails uses a small amount of code; it is easy to discover and correct mistakes.

This framework includes everything needed to build a web app using the MVC approach. MVC is a pattern that divides an app into three main components

  • The model;
  • The view;
  • The controller.

It is also great for MVP (minimum viable product). MVP is an approach where a product is built with the minimum features. These features are necessary to meet the early users and gather feedback for further development.

RoR is perfect for MVP since it offers high flexibility and agility. It is also time-effective, with many plugins and modules available. This allows developers to avoid writing repetitive code.

Hiring Ruby on Rails developer, you will be able to:

  • Create native RoR web apps 
  • Create a cross-platform RoR app
  • Create powerful, intuitive, and interactive apps
  • Use RoR to React, Docker, PostgreSQL, Reflex, MongoDB, and others.
  • Set up your RoR project with strong, scalable, and cost-effective databases.
  • Reduce the memory use and server response time of your web apps.

Why do businesses use Ruby on Rails?

A woman working from home, at the desk, with her Macbook laptop open and writing on it, next to pencils, a notebook, an iPhone and a buch on pictures at her desk.

One of the main advantages of Ruby on Rails is that it is great for fast development. This allows developers to build web apps with minimal code quickly. Ruby on Rails is also very scalable. It can rapidly accommodate a rising user base.

Because of its many use cases, Ruby on Rails is a popular framework among developers and enterprises. Let’s check them.

eCommerce Platforms

RoR is the best framework for building eCommerce sites. This is all thanks to its: 

  • Scalability
  • Affordability
  • Quick growth

Shopify is one of several Ruby on Rails eCommerce platforms. RoR is also capable of processing several transactions simultaneously. Here are the most popular eCommerce platforms built with Ruby on Rails:

  • Shopify
  • Etsy
  • Groupon

MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) 

As we mentioned above, RoR is great for MVPs. This is all thanks to its high flexibility and agility. Before creating a Ruby on Rails app that is completely functioning, the framework is also used for: 

  • Prototyping
  • Testing upgrades
  • Evaluating multiple versions of apps

RoR offers many advantages over other frameworks. RoR can help companies to build their MVPs fast and effectively. This is all thanks to its: 

  • Fast prototyping
  • Robust ecosystem
  • Simple iterations
  • Extensive history and maturity
  • Access to talented developers

Social Networking Apps

RoR is perfect for creating social networking apps. This is because it can support apps with big traffic. Ruby on Rails allows fast development. But it also comes with many features to make developers' work much easier. Some of the most popular social networking apps that use Ruby on Rails are:

  • Twitter
  • Airbnb
  • Couchsurfing 

Navigating the hiring process: How to spot the right Ruby On Rails developer

When hiring a Ruby on Rails developer, there are several things to consider. This includes expertise, cost, and the type of work arrangement. It also depends on the project you're working on and the skills you'll need to complete it. 

We gathered information on where to locate RoR developers. But we also talked about their salaries and how to write your job description to simplify your search. Let's start.

Where to find Ruby on Rails developers?

How to find Ruby on Rails developers is easy. You just need to know where to look. There are many platforms where you can find your developer. One of them are:

  • LinkedIn
  • Upwork
  • Fiverr
  • Toptal
  • Arc.
  • Ruby Now.

These are all great platforms for finding developers from different areas with different expertise levels and experience. Hiring them will depend on the hiring model you choose. Let’s check that.

What are the four main hiring models?

A man sitting at a desk with a cup of coffee in his hand, looking at a laptop.i

Here are the four basic hiring models. 


Instead of directly hiring an employee, let the third party do it for you. They will take care of everything. From interviewing to hiring. Outsourcing allows you to expand your workforce on a global scale. 

It is cheaper and offers an all-in-one solution. As a result, many startups and SMEs (small and medium-sized organizations) prefer to outsource. 

We realize how tough it may be to trust remote employees from other countries. As a result, you should work with reputable firms just like Teamcubate. We have experienced project managers to ensure the success of the projects. This way, you will know that your company is in good hands.

If you choose the outsourcing option, here are some advantages that you will gain: 

  • Access to global talent
  • Lower costs
  • Faster development time
  • Faster time to market
  • Increased flexibility
  • Increased efficiency 

In-house hiring 

In-house or internal hiring means your company will directly hire the employee. You will be responsible for: 

  • Searching
  • Locating
  • Hiring
  • Recruiting

Your organization must conduct interviews, provide tests, and write contracts.

This is a more challenging type of hiring. It is also more costly and a bit risky. But it gives you more control over your personnel and improves communication. This form of employment can also take place in-office, from home, or in a hybrid setting. If you want to hire a work-from-home staff, read about managing remote Ruby On Rails developers

Offshore hiring 

Offshoring is the process of having an office in another country. And also hiring developers to work from there. This is an excellent choice for long-term projects. But this will take a large amount of time and money.

Hiring a Freelancer

Companies use freelancers for short, low-budget projects. Freelancers need more attention and oversight. This is because they have less or no communication with different departments inside your company.

Thus, the manager must offer a clear project description. They need to ensure that freelancers have all the documents and information needed to finish the project properly.

Write a good job description 

Before you search for a RoR developer, you must have a thorough job description. This is one of the best practices for recruiting top-notch Ruby On Rails developers. A good job description has the following components:

  • A company introduction;
  • The job description itself;
  • The responsibilities, skills, and experience you expect from your candidates;
  • A salary range.

If your job description clearly explains the job position and points out the lucrative salary, you'll likely have many candidates. Now, let’s check all four components that are necessary for a good job description. 

A company introduction

At the beginning of your job description, write shortly about your company. Who are you, and what do you do? Provide around 2-3 sentences on the company's culture and benefits. This is a good location to provide a link to your company's website as well. This way, candidates can do thorough research about you before applying for a job.

The job description

Be very specific. Mention everything that a job position can entail. Go into details. Write about what will be the tasks and duties in that job position. For help, check this RoR job description provided by Toptal. 

The responsibilities, skills, and experience

Be straightforward about the tasks that future employees will do. This will depend on the RoR position you are writing your job description for. These responsibilities can be different according to their positions, including:

  • Web or Software Developers  
  • Back-end developer
  • Server developer
  • Full-stack software engineer
  • Project manager

A salary range

Hiring a Ruby On Rails developer can cost around $50 per hour. But the cost can change. This is because their salaries depend on many factors including:

  • Developer's experience
  • Developer’s location
  • The engagement model

We provided two tables with the average Ruby on Rails salary according to their experience and location. Renowned companies like Glassdoor estimate the salaries. The numbers are roughly evaluated, and they can fluctuate.

Experience level

Junior developers

Intermediate developers

Senior developers













The average salary of Ruby on Rails developers according to their experience level. 




Around $105,000


Around $103,000

South America

Around $11,000


Around $21,600

Asia (India)

Around $2,440


Around $120,000


Around $57,900

The average salary of Ruby on Rails developers according to their location. 

Only when you know and implement all of these things will you be able to find the right Ruby on Rails developers.

In conclusion 

Navigating the hiring process is challenging. Finding a perfect candidate is also challenging. Our how to spot the right Ruby On Rails developer guide aims to help you with your search. The first thing you need to know is the hiring model you want to use.

Once you establish that and also your budget, you can begin your search. Look on the reputable platforms. Check the profiles you find interesting. Check their description, experience, and their location. Or simply search the profiles through the filters. You can write the location, price name, and experience level. Read the tips we provided above once again and elevate your hiring process today.  

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