Guide to Setting Up a Subsidiary in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Learn the key steps to establishing a subsidiary in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including understanding local company law and the benefits of setting up there.


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Setting Up a Subsidiary in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A group of people walking around a large building in Banja Luka.


Are you looking to grow your business? Bosnia and Herzegovina is a great choice to consider. Setting up a subsidiary here is a smart way to expand.
In this post, we will help you understand the process. We'll explain what a subsidiary is and why this country is a good place for your business. A subsidiary is like a baby company that belongs to a bigger parent company. The parent company controls it.

By starting one in Bosnia and Herzegovina, your business can operate like a local company. This means it can work under local laws and enjoy local benefits. We will guide you through every step you need to take. This way, you can start your business smoothly and quickly here.

  • What is a Subsidiary?
    A subsidiary is like a child company that the main company from another country controls. The main company will own most of it. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can start a new company or buy a big part of an existing one. This new company works like a local company here.

Types of Subsidiaries in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, you can set up two main types of subsidiaries. Each type suits different business sizes and needs. Here’s what you should know:

  1. Društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću (d.o.o.):
    This is a limited liability company. It's a popular choice for small to medium businesses. To start a d.o.o., you need at least one person. You also need a small amount of money, just 1 BAM (which is less than a dollar). This type of company is good because it limits your financial risk. If the company has problems, your personal money is safe.
  2. Akcionarsko društvo (a.d.):
    This is a joint-stock company. It's good for larger businesses. Starting an a.d. requires more money than a d.o.o. You need to gather a lot of capital, but this type lets you have more owners. These owners can buy shares in your company. An a.d. can also sell shares to the public, which can help you raise more money.

Both types of companies must follow local laws. When you pick the type of subsidiary you want to start, think about how big your business is and how much money you can invest. This will help you decide the best fit for your business needs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Each type has its benefits, so choose the one that matches your plan for growing your business in this country.

Benefits of Setting Up Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a great place to grow your business. Here are some reasons why:

  • Location in Europe: It is right in the middle of Europe. This makes traveling to other European countries easy. It's perfect for businesses that want to reach new markets.
  • Growing Economy: More businesses and jobs are coming to Bosnia and Herzegovina every year. This growth means there are lots of chances for new businesses to do well.
  • Skilled Workforce: Many people here have good education and skills. They can help your business by doing great work.
  • Savings on Taxes: The government lets foreign businesses pay less in taxes. This can help you save money. Saving money here means you can use it to make your business bigger or better.
  • Help from the Government: The government wants new businesses to succeed. They offer extra help and benefits to make starting and running your business smoother.

These points show why Bosnia and Herzegovina could be a good choice for your business. It’s not just about being in a good spot or having smart people. It’s also about how the country supports and makes things easier for new businesses.

Two people reading several documents.

How to Start Your Subsidiary

Starting a subsidiary in Bosnia and Herzegovina involves several clear steps. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Choose the Company Type:
    • Decide if you want to start a d.o.o. (limited liability company) or an a.d. (joint-stock company).
      • A d.o.o. is good for smaller businesses. It needs at least one person and 1 BAM to start.
      • An a.d. suits larger companies. It requires more money but lets you have many owners.
  1. Register Your Company:
    • Find the right local office to register your company.
    • You will need to fill out some forms.
    • Submit documents like your business plan and owner details.
    • Pay a registration fee. This fee depends on the type of company.
  2. Open a Bank Account:
    • Choose a bank in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    • You need documents like your company registration and your ID.
    • Opening a bank account here lets you handle money in local currency.
  3. Get the Right Licenses and Permits:
    • Check what kind of work your company will do.
    • Some jobs need special licenses or permits.
    • Apply for these at the local or national government offices.
  4. Register for Taxes:
    • Sign up your company with the tax office.
    • You will get a tax number. This number is important for your records.
    • Learn about the taxes your company must pay. These might include income tax and sales tax.
  5. Hire Employees:
    • You can start hiring people once your company is set up.
    • Make sure you understand the labor laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    • You might need contracts for your employees.
  6. Follow Local Business Laws:
    • Learn the rules for running a business in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    • These might include how to treat employees and how to report your earnings.
    • Following these laws helps keep your business in good standing.

By taking these steps, you can set up your subsidiary properly in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Each step needs careful attention, but they are not too complicated. Setting up your company here can be a great way to grow your business in Europe. Make sure you understand what you need to do, and ask for help if you need it. This will help your start be smooth and successful.

How Teamcubate Can Help You Start a Subsidiary in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Starting a subsidiary in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a big step. Teamcubate can make it easier for you. Here is how we help:

Fast Matching with Developers
  • We can quickly match you with skilled developers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This means you can start your tech projects without delay. We know many talented people ready to work.
Risk-Free Trial
  • We offer a two-week trial with developers. This trial is risk-free. You can see if the developer fits well with your team before you make a full commitment.
Ongoing Support
  • Our HR team will help you all the way. They make sure everything goes smoothly. They help with setting up, managing your team, and keeping everyone happy.

With Teamcubate, you don’t have to worry about the hard parts of starting a subsidiary. We take care of finding the right people and managing HR tasks. This lets you focus on growing your business in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Expanding Your Business to Sarajevo and Banja Luka with Teamcubate’s Help

Thinking about growing your business in Sarajevo or Banja Luka? These cities are full of opportunities, and Teamcubate is here to help. Here's how we make it easier for you:

  • Local Knowledge
    We know Sarajevo and Banja Luka very well. We can tell you the best places for your office and how to connect with the local market. This helps you set up in the right spot.
  • Streamlined Processes
    We guide you through all the steps, from registering your business to finding the perfect office space. We handle the paperwork so you can focus on what you do best.
  • Support on the Ground
    Our team in Sarajevo is ready to support you anytime. We introduce you to local networks and help you find the services you need to grow.

We don’t just fill out forms. We help you become a part of the community in these cities. Teamcubate makes setting up in Sarajevo or Banja Luka not just a smart choice but a smooth one. Let us guide you in making this exciting move for your business.

Choosing Sarajevo for Your Developer Office

Setting up an office in Sarajevo to employ developers is a great decision for tech companies. Sarajevo is a city full of talented people who are experts in technology. The city has many universities and colleges where students learn the latest in tech. This means you can find very skilled developers here.

Teamcubate can help you set up your office quickly and smoothly. We know the best areas in the city where tech businesses do well. We can help you find a good office space that fits your needs and budget. We also help with all the paperwork and legal stuff. This lets you focus on hiring the right people and starting your projects.

Plus, since we have our own office in Sarajevo, we are always here to help you. We can introduce you to local tech communities and events. This helps your business become a known part of the tech scene in Sarajevo. Starting your developer office here is not just about finding a space and hiring people. It's about creating a place where great tech work happens. Let us help you make this step and grow your business in Sarajevo.

Choosing Banja Luka for Your Developer Office

Setting up an office in Banja Luka to employ developers offers unique advantages and some challenges compared to Sarajevo. Banja Luka is a growing city with a fresh market for tech companies. Here, you can tap into a pool of young, eager talent emerging from local universities. The cost of living and office space is generally lower in Banja Luka than in Sarajevo. This can mean lower operating costs for your business. The city’s smaller size also makes it easier to network and quickly become a significant player in the local tech scene.

However, while Banja Luka has many fresh graduates, Sarajevo has a larger pool of experienced developers. This might make hiring seasoned professionals quicker in Sarajevo. Also, Sarajevo's more established tech community offers more opportunities for partnerships and business development.

Choosing Banja Luka for your developer office can be strategic. It offers a cost-effective environment and the chance to shape and grow with the local tech community. While it may take more effort to recruit highly experienced developers, the benefits of lower costs and a close-knit community are considerable. Teamcubate can help you navigate these challenges by connecting you with local resources and recruitment channels, making it easier to set up and thrive in Banja Luka.

Final Thoughts

A view of the Latin Bridge in Sarajevo.

Thinking about growing your business in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a great idea. This country is in the middle of Europe, which makes it easy to connect with other places. The people here are skilled and the economy is getting stronger. These things make Bosnia and Herzegovina a good place to grow your business.

In cities like Sarajevo and Banja Luka, you can find different benefits. Sarajevo has more experienced workers and a big tech community. This can help you find partners and grow fast. Banja Luka has lower costs and lets you stand out in the community. This can be great if you want to grow without much competition.

Choosing the right city and company type is important. It can help your business do well. But, understanding the local rules can be hard. That's where Teamcubate can help. We know a lot about this and can guide you so you avoid big mistakes.

If you are thinking about making your business bigger here, talk to a Teamcubate expert. We offer a free meeting that has helped many businesses. This advice can stop you from making expensive mistakes. Contact us today to see how we can help you succeed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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