Hiring & Retention

Tips for Managing Remote Flutter Developers

Maximize productivity and create a thriving remote Flutter team. Get tips on management, hiring, communication, trust-building, and collaboration. Empower your team for success!

July 17, 2023

7 minutes

a man

Tips for Managing Remote Flutter Developers

A man, developer, having a call and a meeting with his manager at his home office at the desk, with his laptop on and water bottle next to him.

When you hire a Flutter developer and form a team, it is important to know how to manage such a department. Managing remote teams requires unique methods; however, it is not entirely different from managing your team at the office. This type of work is getting more and more renewed. Its peak was 2020, during a pandemic, and since then, its popularity hasn't dropped. 

Since many companies are now offering home-based jobs, they need help on how to supervise this kind of work. Today, we will talk about practical tips for managing remote Flutter developers. We will go through the problems you can face and offer advice on how to overcome them. Let’s dive in.

How Do I Find a Good Flutter Developer

The purpose of all cross-platform frameworks, including Flutter, is to make team management easier. With a single codebase for all platforms, there is just one team to maintain and manage. Because of its increased demand, there is a lack of qualified Flutter developers.

Thus, good developers are hard to find but not impossible if you know where to look. There are a couple of things you need to know before you start your search for your needed developer and that’s:

  • Critical Flutter developer skills;
  • Developer’s qualifications;
  • Type of engagement model you need;
  • Writing concise and correct job descriptions;
  • Asking the right questions.

Once you have all the answers, which you can find in our blog, how do I find a good Flutter developer, you can start your search.  

Best Practice for Hiring a Flutter Developer

Choosing a good Flutter developer is someone who has a good mix of technical, soft, and communication skills. 

Hiring costs can be big, and the process can last long. However, the methods listed below will assist you in facilitating this process. Here's how you can find the perfect match for your Flutter job position.

  • Find and contact Flutter development companies;
  • Find and contact IT hiring companies;
  • Search for freelance Flutter developers;
  • Post your ad on job boards;
  • Visit other job-related platforms such as Reddit;
  • Attend technology-related conferences and meetups. 

8 Tips for Managing Remote Flutter Developers

A picture of a man from behind, a developer, working from home, sitting at his desktop, with two computer screens while coding.

Now that we explained where, how to find, and how to build an effective Flutter team, here are 8  important tips on managing them in a remote-work environment. 

1. Know your responsibilities as manager

As a manager of a remote team, you should determine your responsibilities. This usually includes:

  • Hosting online meetings;
  • Stay informed about each project;
  • Assign tasks and responsibilities to each worker;
  • Track worker's performance;
  • Track team members' performance;
  • Resolve problems and conflicts;
  • Sometimes hold job interviews and hire workers.

 You need to understand your responsibility so you can treat each worker equally. Also, this is the way to apply the company’s regulations fairly.

2. Focus on communication 

 A picture of a turned-on laptop, on a desk, with pictures of attendees on a video call, next to a coffee mug.

People go to the office to improve the work environment, hang out with each other and help one another. Going to the office can improve their efficiency, environment, and relations. However, when people work from home, it is easy to neglect these relationships.

This is why managers of remote staff have to come up with other ways of communication. Managers use various communication methods to ensure:

  • Clarity
  • Collaboration and 
  • Engagement within their remote teams.

Active contact

Stay in touch with your Flutter team through different means of communication, including: 

  • Emailing;
  • Chatting via Slack, Skype, Google Hangouts Chat, or similar;
  • Video conferences via different platforms as well.

Clear communication and updates 

This implies clear expectations, responsibilities, tasks, and goals. Constant updates on the team's progress, changes, and essential updates.

Collaboration tools

Using different collaboration tools can increase team effectiveness. Some of the tools are:

  • Project management platforms;
  • Instant messaging apps;
  • Virtual whiteboards.

Regular feedback

Managers should provide regular feedback and acknowledge the accomplishments of remote workers. Recognizing their efforts motivates and boosts morale within the remote team.

3. Build trust 

Remote employees need to know that you believe they are working as hard as they would at the office. If you check in with them a few times daily to see how things are doing, that can imply that you don’t trust them.

Remote employees may be pretty successful, especially if they have supportive management. Constant support, guidance, and trust will help your remote employees in doing their best work. Aside from that, both you and your team will feel more connected with each other and the organization as a whole.

4. Focus on empathy

Check-in with remote employees regularly. Try to understand their needs and health, both physical and psychological.  Ask some basic questions.

Are they feeling good? Do they need some help in terms of their health? How do they like the interactions among the team? How are they dealing with the daily disturbances at home? 

Share advice on how to make working from home simpler and more productive. Offer your tips and give advice from your experience. 

5. Team Involvement

As a manager, you need to develop protocols and expectations for your remote team members. However, each situation is unique, and the workers are the ones who know how to work best and get the task done.

As a result, it makes sense to look for their feedback on how to implement this new method of working. Even so, you can let your teams establish their own working patterns. For instance, let your team choose the form of communication they prefer. Also, let them choose the working hours and hours for collaborating.

6. Focus on the tasks

Monitoring your remote worker's working time can affect employees' productivity. Also, it can loosen up the trust between the manager and the teams. Instead of focusing on the amount of time the worker has spent on the computer, focus on the delivered tasks. 

You need to clarify what your team needs to complete in a certain period of time. Create milestones with specific dates to ensure that projects do not fall behind. Plan meetings to check in on their progress. Ask if they need any assistance or help during the work. However, some projects sometimes need time tracking to perform some tasks. Luckily, many time-tracking tools can help you with this.

7. Tech tools are important

No company can work without technology. So do the remote workers. Discuss how individuals feel about the technology in your meetings. Ensure that they have all the necessary tech as well as set up for flawless work from home. Ask them about the tools they use to keep them productive and connected. 

Also, stay up with new technologies, trends, and tools. Provide your team with everything necessary, from new laptops to access to different online tools. Everyone has to be on the same page on how these systems work. Also, they should understand why you use these technologies and who can fix them if problems occur. You can even set up a chat with an appointed person in your IT department so they can help you anytime.

8. Social interaction matters

Social gathering of colleagues at a fun dinner at the office while workers are bonding and chatting together, like team building.

Even though your team works remotely, organize social events. You can accomplish this through the innovative application of technology to increase engagement.

Use platforms such as Upwork. There’s a feature called "virtual water cooler" called the Coffee Break, where employees can communicate and share information and news.

Aside from that, you can organize team-building events. The goal of team building is to help your remote employees: 

  • Get to know each other; 
  • Create better relationships;
  • Encourage your employees to collaborate;
  • Increase communication;
  • Planning skills;
  • Increase staff engagement and participation;
  • Hang out with each other and talk about non-related work topics.

Fun activities that allow individuals to see one another in a new way encourage them to connect in a new situation.

In Conclusion

Having remote workers means transmitting your skills to online settings. It doesn’t need less effort or less work. These employees need the same constant feedback, trust, good communication, and equal involvement. 

These eight tips will give you the necessary advice for managing remote Flutter developers. Follow them, and your team will work flawlessly!

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