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Remote job as a Python developer

How to find the best remote job as a Python developer. Find out now.

June 23, 2023

6 minutes

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Remote job as a Python developer

A woman with glasses working from home, on the couch, with grey blanket on and her laptop on her lap
Image by Freepik

In today's age, remote work has become common. Even more common than hybrid work. This is because it offers many opportunities.

As a Python developer, remote job prospects have expanded. This allows you to leverage your skills and contribute to projects. All this from the comfort of your own home. Remote work provides flexibility, independence, and the chance to collaborate with diverse teams. Here are the benefits of the remote job as a Python developer.

How to become a python developer

You can become a Python developer even if you don’t have any experience. If you have experience in any other programming language, learning Python will be even easier. 

But how to become a Python developer? First, decide what type of Python developer you want to become. 

  • DevOps Engineer
  • AI and ML
  • Software Developer
  • Data scientist
  • Data analyst

Once you determine that, start with developing your skill set. Learn the basics of Python. You can go to college, take Bootcamp or learn on your own. You can listen to online courses, tutorial videos or reading Python books. 

Also, don’t forget to be social and join the Python community. That and many other tips find out on our blog on how to become a Python developer. 

What does a Python developer do?

A young woman with glasses working from home, at the desk, writing down on her notebook, with her laptop turned on and her dog sleeping behind her on the couch.
Image by Freepik

Python developers can create web and mobile applications. But they can also:

  • Create game development;
  • Write programming language;
  • Do quantitative analysis;
  • Use it in Machine Learning (ML);
  • Use it in Artificial Intelligence (AI);
  • Use it for data analysis;
  • Use it for data visualization.

A Python developer is part of a software engineering team. They are working in Python programming language. They can work on various projects. They create, design, and deliver the work. They can work from complex apps to small, personal projects. A Python developer's job is also to: 

  • Write code that automates processes; 
  • Design and create computer applications; 
  • Design and create mobile applications; 
  • Locate and fix problems; 
  • Increase efficiency;
  • Improve the user experience.

Why is Python so popular?

Python is a popular language.  According to a survey from Stack Overflow, the most popular language is JavaScript. And that’s ten years in a row. But the second place is almost tied. HTML has the second place and the third place goes to SQL. According to that survey, Python takes fourth place. 

But, as for 2023, Python reached first place. Many developers are now massively using and choosing Python. It is even regarded as the king of programming languages. As a result, studying this programming language in 2023 guarantees your success and progress. This is because:

  • It is simple to learn, read, and write;
  • It offers large libraries and frameworks that cover a wide range of apps;
  • It includes Java and C equivalents such as CPython, Jython, and others;
  • It features GUI assistance;
  • Many companies use Python, like Facebook, Spotify, and Netflix.

Python is the perfect choice for web and software development. This is because you can create complex, multi-protocol apps. At the same time, developers have concise and readable syntax. It makes life easier for developers. Additionally, they can develop practical business and user applications.

Remote job as a Python developer

A young woman sitting in the comfy armchair at her own home, looking at the porch, holding a cup of coffee and her laptop on her lap, getting prepared to work
Image by benzoix on Freepik

There was a massive increase in remote work in 2020. Since then, its popularity is not getting any smaller. In fact, according to the Upwork Survey, it is getting bigger by the day. To be precise, 22% of the USA employees will work remotely by 2025. 

Software developers, including Python, benefit from remote work. It allows them to take advantage of less crowded and more affordable places. Remote employment also reduces the time spent driving.

Here is how your company can benefit from hiring a remote Python developer.

Bring in top talent from anywhere

Hiring remote workers will increase the flexibility of your company. Tech companies are in search of the best developers. This doesn’t mean that those developers are located in the same place.

Companies can make a perfect remote team. You can do this by hiring talented individuals from all around the world. The best thing is that your company can tap into a talent pool outside of your own location. This way, you will promote workforce diversity and create a more inclusive culture.

Reduce costs

Having a remote team is less expensive. This is because you don't have to pay for

  • Office space
  • Power costs and other bills
  • Computer equipment

Also, many countries have lower corporation tax rates than the US. Working with a virtual crew will thus help you save money on payroll taxes.

Another way a remote software development team might help you save money is by lowering commuting costs. Hiring a few staff to work from home might help you save money on commuting.

Increase employee retention 

A remote Python developer will likely stay with your organization longer than onsite employees. This is because software professionals are more at ease with work-life balance.

A virtual team is more likely to value the freedom of working from home. Thus, such employees can work whenever they want from wherever they want. This increases the chances of sticking around longer in your company.

Increase productivity

Developers prefer working in a quiet place. Others prefer an interactive environment. When employees work in their idealistic workspace, they easily maintain focus and productivity. Working from home allows software developers to be more creative. This working paradigm saves time and allows people to complete more work in less time.

Control over the workflow

When you have your own team, there’s no need for outsourcing. This means that you will have full control over your team at any time. When you outsource, you hire people to finish a task or project. They are not interested in your company.

But, with a remote team, this is different. They are more loyal since your company is their main source of income.

Can you work remotely as a Python developer?

Yes, you can work as a Python developer. They need only a computer and the Internet to deliver their work. They can work from any other location. But, remote developers were prevalent even before the pandemic. This implies both full-time and freelancing as a Python developer.

Where to find a remote job as a Python developer?

Seeking developers can be tiring. There are many potential candidates to choose from. Also there are many platforms to choose from as well. Indeed and LinkedIn are some of them.

But this can be a time-consuming task. Also, the possibilities are endless with so many developers available. We can help. Avoid the hassle of hiring on these platforms. Skip the endless search. Skip the repetitive resume reading and selection. Or even waiting for months to find the perfect match. 

Teamcubate will choose for you. We will find you the best developer at an affordable price. This will be done according to your

  • Personal needs
  • Project needs
  • Companies needs

It is risk-free and so easy. All you have to do is contact us; the rest is our job.  

In conclusion 

Python developers can work from home. Even before the pandemic, many developers were working remotely. Including Python. Today, this kind of work goes without saying. Almost all companies offer it.

And how can they not? It benefits both the company and the employee. From boosting employees' creativity and productivity to decreasing companies' costs. Go through this remote job as a Python developer article, and see why this type of work will prevail over the office workforce.

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