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Becoming a Ruby On Rails developer: what's the learning curve like?

Becoming a Ruby on Rail developer requires time, devotion, and certain capabilities. If you have experience, you can learn it in 4 months; if not, it can take you a year.

July 24, 2023

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Becoming a Ruby On Rails developer: what's the learning curve like?

Male workers hands writing down, working, developing and coding on a MacBook laptop at the office.

Becoming a Ruby on Rails developer is similar to becoming any kind of developer. You might wonder, but what’s the learning curve like? That depends on your previous knowledge, skill set, and learning time. 

Let’s find out more about the learning process. We will provide you the tips on how to learn faster and also the factors that you should be aware of. We will also cover the latest RoR trends and discuss RoR as a skill to invest in.

How long does it take to learn Ruby on Rails?

It can take you from 2 months to a year.  If you have experience in other programming languages or frameworks, you can RoR more quickly. For instance, it takes around 2 to 3 months to learn the RoR basics. But, if you don’t have any prior programming knowledge, it can take up to a year. 

The exact time you will need to learn Ruby on Rails will depend on a few factors. This includes 

  • Your prior experience;
  • Your coding skills;
  • The amount of time you have available to learn;
  • Your learning style;
  • The resources you use. 

Being fluent with Ruby on Rails might take two months to a year. But it will mostly depend on your previous experience. If you're new to programming, you'll need to devote more time. This means more effort to study RoR than someone with previous experience.

Before getting into RoR, you need to learn the Ruby programming language. If you start from zero and dedicate a few hours daily to learning, it will take roughly two to four months.

Then, you can start learning a RoR framework.  If you are persistent in learning and practicing RoR, it can take another two to three months. This means that if you have no experience in programming, learning Python can last from 6 to 7 months.


Becoming a Ruby On Rails developer: what's the learning curve like?

An open MacBook laptop on the desk at home with written codes displayed on it, in front of the window with a curtain next to a pencil holder and a smartphone.

To become a RoR developer, you need to practice every day. Just like any other developer. The learning curve will depend only on you. On your skills and time. But here are a few tips for becoming a Ruby on Rails developer effectively. 

Start with Ruby programming language 

Spend some time learning Ruby programming language before learning a RoR framework. This is because RoR is built on Ruby. So having a good foundation in the language will make learning and understanding RoR easier.

Luckily, there are many resources for learning Ruby. You can do it on your own, go to Bootcamps, watch online tutorials, take online courses, or read coding books.

Practice makes it perfect 

Learning any new skill, including Ruby on Rails, requires consistent practice. Set aside time each day to study and practice. This will help your learning and develop your coding abilities.

Learn from other developers

Join the Ruby on Rails community. There are great groups and forums online. Including Reddit and Slack. This can give you useful insights, recommendations, and resources. You can learn, ask for help and stay updated with the latest trends. This cay help you in your learning path. Ask questions and get help from more experienced RoR developers.

Do more projects

Even if you find certain projects less amusing, do it. You can always learn something new. Or advance and practice the skills that you already own. This allows you to put everything you've learned into practice.

Also, you will get hands-on experience with the framework. Begin with simple projects and work your way up to more complicated ones. This will be a great way of learning and an even better opportunity to showcase your portfolio. When it is time to hire a Ruby on Rails, you will have great project examples to back you up. 

Factors that influence your RoR learning curve

Aside from these tips, a few factors can influence your learning curve. Let’s check them so you can be aware of them. 

Your programming skills

As before said, your programming skills impact how long you will learn Ruby on Rails. If you're new to programming, you should start by learning the Ruby programming language.  Once you learn the basics, move on RoR framework. This will take more time and effort. It is because you will need to master programming language and Ruby syntax. But this will make learning the RoR framework much easier and faster.

Your available time 

The amount of time you can devote to learning Ruby on Rails will significantly impact how soon you will master it. You will advance faster if you devote more daily hours to studying and practicing. But, if you have only a few hours each week, it can take you up to a year to learn RoR. 

Resources you learn from

The resources you choose to learn Ruby on Rails have an effect on your learning time. High-quality materials can give clear explanations and examples. This will make topics easier to grasp.

Books can provide great theory. But many free and paid resources can provide you with the same knowledge with practice. It is critical that you discover the ones that work best for you.

Your learning style

Another key element to consider is your learning style. Some people prefer organized classes and tutorials. Others prefer a more hands-on approach. This includes developing projects and learning from examples. Find your ideal learning style. This will help you to advance quickly and efficiently.

Is it easy to learn Ruby on Rails?

Once you know the basics of Ruby, learning the RoR framework will be easy. Also, Ruby is one of the easiest programming languages to learn. This is because it has a simple syntax that is easy to learn and understand, even for newbies.

Is Ruby on Rails beginner-friendly?

Person's hands writing down, working, developing and coding on a MacBook laptop at the office, next to the computer screen with display codes and next to the smartphone.

With its big community and simple workflow, Ruby on Rails is one of the most beginner-friendly frameworks available. This is also because its syntax is very like Python. Another programming language that is great for beginners.

Trends shaping the future of Ruby On Rails development in 2023

While there is an ongoing debate on whether RoR is dead, RoR is very much alive. There are many trends justifying its existence. 

RoR has a big community that is expanding. Such communities are doing constant updates and maintenance of this framework. Making it very much alive. Also, they are working to make RoR compatible with Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence. 

This will be a huge step for RoR in the future. Also, Ruby is great for cloud computing and using GraphQL in RoR apps. And best of all, this framework is perfect for eCommerce. All these are just a couple of trends shaping the future of Ruby on Rails development in 2023. 

Ruby On Rails in 2023: a skill still worth investing in?

As mentioned above, RoR is alive. But many people are still in doubt whether RoR is a skill still worth investing in? It is. Such a career brings great salaries. Thus, it is very lucrative. To be precise, Ruby is the fifth top-paying technology in 2022, according to StackOverflow

Also, RoR has a big community that is constantly working on new things. They do constant updates and maintenance. For that reason, many companies use RoR for their apps. Some of the most popular apps made with RoR are

  • Shopify
  • Hulu
  • Airbnb
  • Dribble
  • Github

In conclusion 

Becoming a Ruby on Rails developer takes time and devotion. The learning curve can vary, and that’s normal, just like with any other learning path. The time you need to learn RoR will depend on a couple of factors. We covered each one of them.

Also, follow the tips we gave so you can learn more efficiently. Once you follow these tips, you can learn Ruby on Rails in a few months. Once you have the basics, companies are ready to hire a Ruby on Rails, you can start the search for your dream job.

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