Hiring & Retention

Assembling a high-performing Ruby on Rails development team: A comprehensive guide

Do you want to hire Ruby on Rails developers? If the answer is yes, follow our practical tips on assembling a high-performing Ruby on Rails development team.

August 3, 2023

5 minutes

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Assembling a high-performing Ruby on Rails development team: A comprehensive guide

Four people, workers, and developers, working together at the office around the table, looking at the notebooks and statistics with their screen computer turned on.

You will most likely face some obstacles if your company wants to hire a Ruby on Rails developer. Like where to look for, how to find a good developer or how to hire them. But don’t worry, that’s the normal thing. We are here to help. 

In this article, we covered everything. You'll discover who should be on your team, how big it should be, and what RoR developers are looking for.  It is a comprehensive guide that has everything you need for flawless hiring. Let’s start assembling a high-performing Ruby on Rails development team

Why do I need Ruby on Rails developers?

If your company needs a mobile or web app, Ruby on Rails is the technology to use. You can use it for both iOS and Android devices. But RoR goes beyond traditional web and mobile apps. You can also use it for hybrid app development.

RoR is an open-source framework. Which means anyone can use it. They do not need to pay for it or get a special license. You can build online apps, web services, and websites. It's popular since it's free and makes repetitious development jobs easier. 

RoR allows you to quickly and affordably create anything you want. One of the reasons it's so popular among MVP designers is because of this. Also, Ruby on Rails is a great framework for creating

  • Social networking apps;
  • E-commerce platforms;
  • MVPs (Minimum Viable Products);
  • Marketplaces.

Despite its popularity, finding and hiring qualified and experienced RoR developers can be challenging.

What is Ruby on Rails used for?

As we mentioned above, RoR is used for making apps and websites. You can create any kind of web app. Ruby on Rails has simple and concise code. Easy to write and maintain. This is making detecting and fixing mistakes easy. 

This framework is written in Ruby programming language. And, Ruby on Rails is also called Rails. It's ideal for business web apps. But Ruby on Rails is also great for:

  • Application programming interfaces (APIs)
  • Automation
  • Data processing
  • Stock marketing platforms
  • Web development

What is the role of a RoR developer?

Two workers, a man and a woman, working together at the office, looking at the computer screen, smiling, and developing.

A Ruby on Rails developer is a person responsible for creating server-side web apps. That developer is a specialist in online and mobile app development. They are responsible for creating code for app development in the Ruby on Rails interface. One of the jobs that a Ruby on Rails developer can do is:

  • Web or Software Developer
  • Front-end developer
  • Back-end developer
  • Full-stack developer
  • Server developer
  • Project manager

Is Ruby on Rails dead?

No, Ruby on Rails is not dead. Many businesses are using it. And many popular apps are crafted with RoR like:

  • Airbnb
  • Shopify
  • Couchsurfing
  • Urban Dictionary
  • Basecamp 

In 2023, creative organizations from various industries continue using RoR. According to Built With, there are currently 625,587 total live websites made with the RoR framework.  And a total of 3,759,380 live and historical websites. 

These numbers are telling that RoR is not dead nor dying. Also, this framework has a big and active community. Such a community always does new things, updates, and maintains constantly. In fact, RoR developers are working to make this framework suitable for AI and ML. Which is telling us that it is working toward the future. 

How to find the right Ruby On Rails developer

Once you realize that you need such a developer, another question arises. How to find the right Ruby on Rails developer? Here are practical tips on where and how to find them.

The first thing you want to do is determine the type of hiring you want to do. Do you want to do the in-house hiring, outsource it or maybe hire a freelancer? 

The outsourcing model is the most efficient. Also, it is the cheapest and most convenient.  If you are searching for a remote team of RoR developers, Teamcubate will help you. Hiring is stress-free. All you have to do is get in touch with us. We will meet to discuss your requirements and goals. You will have your best RoR developer at the best price in just a couple of days.

When it comes to in-house hiring, it is more difficult. It is also more expensive and risky. This type of hiring can also be in-office, from home, or hybrid. Check out the managing remote Ruby On Rails developers if you plan on hiring a work-from-home team. 

Freelancers are the best option for short projects. All you need to do is search through freelance platforms and find your match. This option is also risky. Because you can never know for sure if your project will be delivered on time or at all.

Assembling a high-performing Ruby on Rails development team: A comprehensive guide

Two developers, co-workers, working together at the office, writing down on their computers, smiling and developing.

Check the models mentioned above. Decide which type of hiring you want to do. Do you need a freelancer? Or maybe a whole team? If you still don’t know, let us help.

Hiring team

Do you or someone on your team understand how to identify true experts? Do you understand how to structure and manage the development process? If the answers are "no," it doesn't imply you can't hire. But managerial assistance will come in helpful. Also, if you have a developers team, they can help you as well.

You can also consider assembling a team of freelancers. But it will take time and money to turn them into a real company team. You will have more responsibilities. This includes payrolls, contracts, and holidays. But you can have a very successful workforce. Such a team will become a part of your company. Outsourcing team administration is the most convenient option.

The project complexity 

Smaller projects are easy to manage. Even if you don’t have a project manager or a team. For example, you need to develop the MVP (Minimum Viable Product). It is totally acceptable to hire a freelancer for such a task. But that’s not the case when the scope of your project is bigger. Let’s say you're launching a new marketplace. You'll need to consider hiring a whole team of developers. 

Another thing you should consider is how important this project is to you. Is it critical to your company's success? If this is the case, you should form a development team. Because of the project's complexity and importance, hiring a whole development team is crucial.

The RoR developer's team

A development team of 4 to 6 individuals is ideal. Especially for Agile software development. It's large enough to meet all project requirements while being flexible and consistent.

Your Ruby on Rails development team should include experts in different fields. They need to have the necessary skills. You don’t want 6 or 10 people who are best at exactly the same stuff. 

You need someone who is an expert in front-end technologies. JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are usually the best ones. Also, you want a back-end developer for the flawless performance of your app. 

Last, but not least, look out for RoR designers. They will be responsible for the project cycle. Also, they will the changes in the architecture if needed. Thus, a proper UI designer should be a part of your team, at least in the initial phases.

How to attract the best Ruby on Rails developers? 

In order to hire Ruby on Rails developers, you need to attract them. Especially when it comes to top talents. A competitive salary is usually a good start. But good salaries are not the only thing good workers fall for. Their enthusiasm about their work is always in the first place. 

An engaging and hard project can entice a large number of IT professionals. Try to pique their interest in your project. Describe why you need this new software or an app. What issues do you intend to address? What features should your project have? And, of course, why their expertise is required. 

Another factor that attracts great RoR developers is the knowledge they can get. But also the career growth chances you can provide. Offer them educational courses, seminars, and access to the newest technologies. Last but not least, don’t forget about the bonuses. The enthusiasm of RoR developers is not only in their devotion to work on exciting projects. It is also in their quest for knowledge and skill.

In conclusion 

Assembling a high-performing Ruby on Rails development team needs good preparation. You need to determine what kind of developers you need and how many. You must also determine if you want to hire a whole team or just one RoR developer. You will ensure this by having a good hiring team. Only this way you can find the top talents. Usually, that team can be formed with your already existing group of developers.

Ensure to know the complexity and the scope of your project. According to that, write down the needed skills of your future developer. We included everything in this comprehensive guide so your experience can go with ease. 

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