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What is a Java EE Developer? - Unlocking the Skills and Roles | Teamcubate

Discover what a Java EE Developer really does, the skills required, and why hiring through Teamcubate is your best bet for getting top-notch Java EE talent.


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What is a Java EE Developer?

A woman coding.

When it comes to software development, differentiating between roles can be a bit like wading through a digital jungle. Yet, understanding these roles is crucial for any project's success. Take Java EE developers, for instance. If you're wondering exactly what a Java EE Developer does, what skills are needed, and how to find one—stick around. We’ve got the ultimate guide just for you.

Considering hiring a Java developer? Learn why Teamcubate is your best bet.

Table of Contents

  1. Who is a Java EE Developer?
  2. Key Responsibilities of a Java EE Developer
  3. Essential Skills for a Java EE Developer
  4. How Java EE Differs from Core Java
  5. Career Path for a Java EE Developer
  6. Steps to Hiring a Java EE Developer Through Teamcubate
  7. Why Choose Teamcubate?
  8. Frequently Asked Questions about Java EE Developers
  9. Conclusion

Who is a Java EE Developer?

A Java EE (Enterprise Edition) Developer specializes in creating enterprise-scale applications. These are not your run-of-the-mill programs; we're talking about software that can handle massive loads and provide functionality critical for business operations.

For a more comprehensive understanding of what a Java Developer is in general, check out this article.

Key Responsibilities of a Java EE Developer

Being a Java EE Developer is not for the faint-hearted. These individuals have a multitude of responsibilities:

  1. Designing and Implementing Scalable Systems: They construct the architecture of scalable, enterprise-level applications.
  2. Integrating Software Components: Java EE Developers are masters at software integration, ensuring all parts work together seamlessly.
  3. Optimizing Performance: They routinely optimize server resources for maximum speed and scalability.
  4. Ensuring Security: Security is a major concern for any enterprise. A Java EE Developer ensures robust security protocols are in place.

Learn more about what exactly a Java Developer does in this comprehensive guide.

Essential Skills for a Java EE Developer

A woman with headphones using a laptop.

Java EE Developers possess a unique set of skills that set them apart from core Java developers. These include:

  1. JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Servlets: Used for creating dynamic, enterprise-level web applications.
  2. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB): Required for building scalable, transactional, and multi-threaded applications.
  3. JMS: For working with Messaging services.
  4. Java Persistence API (JPA): For database management.

If you're interested in the full spectrum of skills needed for this role, take a look at our article on Java Developer Skills.

How Java EE Differs from Core Java

While Core Java serves as the foundational building block, Java EE takes it to the next level by offering a robust platform for enterprise applications. But how exactly do they differ?

  • Scalability: Java EE is designed for large-scale operations.
  • Libraries and APIs: Java EE comes loaded with extensive libraries and APIs geared towards enterprise needs.
  • Transaction Management: Java EE provides better support for transaction management.

For a more in-depth look at the differences, you may find our post here useful.

Career Path for a Java EE Developer

Java EE development offers a lucrative career path, given the constant demand for enterprise-level applications. As you gain experience, you could move into roles like:

  • Senior Java EE Developer
  • Java EE Architect
  • Project Manager

Read more about the career options available to Java developers here.

How to Hire a Java EE Developer

When it comes to hiring, you can't afford to make mistakes, especially for a role as critical as a Java EE Developer. Why not leave it to the experts at Teamcubate?

We specialize in helping companies like yours find exceptional Java EE talent at business-friendly rates, offering unmatched flexibility in recruitment.

Steps to Hiring a Java EE Developer Through Teamcubate

Two people talking in an office.

Now that you understand the complexity and the skill set required for a Java EE Developer, let's delve into the fool-proof steps to hiring the right talent through Teamcubate.

Step 1: Define Your Project Needs

The first and foremost step is defining your project requirements. What kind of enterprise application are you planning to build? Knowing this can help you understand the specific skills you should be looking for.

Step 2: Skill Assessment

Next, assess the skills required for your project. Do you need someone experienced with Java Persistence API (JPA), or is a solid background in JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Servlets enough? Review our detailed list of skills that every Java developer should have to make an informed decision.

Step 3: Consult Teamcubate

Once you have a clear picture of what you need, it's time to consult with us at Teamcubate. We'll guide you through the entire process, ensuring you find the ideal match for your needs at a budget-friendly rate.

Step 4: Interview Process

Yes, you can directly hire through us, but we also offer the option to interview candidates. We even provide a set of Java Developer interview questions to guide you through the process.

Step 5: Finalize and Onboard

Once you’ve chosen your Java EE Developer, we help you with the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth transition for both the developer and your team.

Step 6: Continuous Support

After the hiring is complete, Teamcubate continues to offer support, ensuring that both parties are completely satisfied with the arrangement.

By entrusting your hiring process to Teamcubate, you not only ensure the best talent but also save invaluable time and resources.

Why Choose Teamcubate?

If you've made it this far, you probably understand the importance of hiring the right Java EE Developer. But let me tell you why Teamcubate is unequivocally your best option.

  1. Exceptional Talent Pool: We have access to a wide array of highly skilled Java EE Developers.
  2. Budget-Friendly: Teamcubate specializes in offering exceptional talent at business-friendly rates. Yes, quality doesn’t have to break the bank.
  3. Flexible Recruitment: Whether you need a remote Java EE developer or an in-house talent, we've got you covered. Read more about the benefits of hiring a remote Java Developer through Teamcubate.
  4. Support Throughout: From the initial consultation to continuous after-hire support, we're with you every step of the way.

Frequently Asked Questions about Java EE Developers

A person using a laptop.

If you're a decision-maker in a software company or someone looking to climb the career ladder as a Java EE Developer, you might have a few questions. Let's address some of the most commonly asked questions to provide you with a holistic understanding.

What certifications are useful for a Java EE Developer?

Certifications can act as the cherry on top for a developer's resume. Oracle offers the Oracle Certified Professional, Java EE 7 Application Developer certification, among others. For more on how to step up your Java game, check out our guide on how to become a Java Developer.

How do Java EE Developers differ from Java SE Developers?

Java SE (Standard Edition) and Java EE (Enterprise Edition) differ primarily in their use cases and the libraries they work with. SE is more generalized, while EE is specialized for enterprise-level applications. For a deeper dive into the types of Java developers, you might find our article on what is a Java Developer enlightening.

How much can I expect to pay for a Java EE Developer?

Salaries for Java EE Developers can vary depending on experience, location, and project needs. For a detailed analysis on what you can expect to shell out, take a look at our Java Developer salary guide.

Can I hire a Java EE Developer for a short-term project?

Absolutely! Teamcubate offers unparalleled flexibility when it comes to recruitment. You can opt for short-term, long-term, or even project-based hiring. Discover the benefits of flexible recruitment with Teamcubate.


Understanding what a Java EE Developer does and the skills they bring to the table is essential for anyone involved in enterprise-level projects. But knowing is just half the battle; the next step is to hire the best Java EE Developer to bring your project to fruition. And for that, there's no better partner than Teamcubate.

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